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Basic Core Needs

  Pretend for a moment that you are looking at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what is holding you back from achieving what you want? Whether it is to lose 30 pounds or stop smoking, how are you rationalizing your behaviors that prevent you from accepting what is wrong and facing the hassle head-on and correcting it? Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is probably the most well-known in psychology. The basic core physiological needs of food, water, air, and shelter must be met to attend to higher needs or become self-actualized. Maslow defines self-actualization to “desire to become the most that one can be.” He goes on to mention the core needs of safety, love and belonging, respect, and self-esteem. What are you lacking in your basic life needs because this may trigger a survival or stress response that blocks your success toward that outcome you desire. Survival mode or the stress response is where your mind and body enter the Fight, flight & fawn zone. It is the survivi

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