Here in this meme, “you become what you fed your mind” is a wonderful illustration of taking care of your brain and

body with everything it needs to function well for you.

Think of your brain this way.

How are you feeding your powerful mind? Are you eating healthy with more plant-based foods, lean meats, and whole grains? Instead, is your diet consisting of having too much artificial sugar and junk foods? Do you wake up with brain fog, laziness, and feeling down and out?

How imagine seeing your body in an x-ray vision or that you are superman with supervision that can see the inside of your body.
Imagine eating all that sugary sweets or potato chips that turn into liquid sugar that is laced with chemicals. This goes into your brain. What do you see?

Maybe, you will see someone that has an overactive and overemotional brain that doesn’t handle too well with drama, bad news, and negativity of self and others.
Morgan Freeman once said: Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You must get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.

Control your mood by eating healthier and at the right amount. This is one way you can feel happier, produce a positive feeling, and reduce your perception of pain and stress.

The second tip is for you to exercise. One can do it and make it easy. I wonder when you will start walking more or riding that bike? This will help you have the control you need. Start becoming an action word and be playful and curious like a child at play.

Benefits of Exercising for your body and brain
1. Exercise and/or having more physical body movement helps reduce your stress and improve your mood.
2. Exercise helps you feel happier, produces a positive feeling, and reduces your perception of pain
3. Exercise helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate (the amount of energy used when resting and creating lean body mass (storing fat for energy
4. Increase your energy level
5. Sleep better and more relaxed
6. Exercise reduces pain
7. Exercise may promote a better sex life
8. Exercise improves the appearance of your skin
9. Exercise helps you lose weight and keep it off

When you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten. This powerful NLP premise now allows you to change and adapt to the nature of the universe, which is always changing.

Last thought that sum this all up is from Scott McFall.
"We are not the peddlers of positive thinking. We are the peddlers of useful decisions and positive actions. We are the peddlers of outcomes and steps to get them. We are the peddlers of leveling and self-acceptance... BUT WE ARE NOT WOO WOO POSITIVE THINKING. " Be a powerful force inside of you in 2023!

Scott McFall:

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