Are You Driven BY a Habit or An Outcome?

 Are you driven by a habit or an outcome?

In Michael Jordan’s documentary, The Last Dance, he talked about how he was driven by an outcome when he was feeling physically tired and wanted to retire in 1993.  During this time, he led his team, the Chicago Bulls to 2 NBA championships. 

1993 was a tough year for Michael Air Jordan.  The media scrutiny of wanting him and his team to fail and lose, the gambling additions allegations, and his father being murdered. 

Yet, he was driven by the outcome of winning 3 NBA championships because Larry Bird and Magic Johnson have not yet accomplished this. 

First Michael made a decision and choice based on his values, attitudes, and beliefs.

Second, Michael continued to practice his skills and was able to separate his professional and personal life.  What makes great athletics great? His emotional turmoil was out of the court and performed based on his outcomes.

Scott Mc Fall was quoted to say: “What does it take to be elite in ballet? What does it take to be elite as a symphony musician? How much focus and sacrifice does it take to be an elite athlete? What does it take to be an elite business executive? You are an elite hypnosis and NLP trainer. Your discipline and dedication to your study and practice need to blow away and inspire people. ARE YOU IN THE GAME? WELL ARE YOU?

Scott McFall:
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