Letting Go of Fear & Shame for You to Get to Your Authentic Self with NLP

 Your unconscious mind recalls every fear, anxiety, or trauma in your body. It’s in the devil of the details of anxiety that keeps you feeling stuck inside your mind and body. The map is not the territory. The map inside your head with all the noise and false memories is just a Freddy Kruger nightmare that your body creates to protect you. This nightmare response is working with a positive intention.

I have many anchors toward success and money. It has to cope with extreme overwhelmed, and trauma in my childhood. My nervous system is keeping me safe when I respond to fear.

So, I am Rose and a hypnotist in Southeast Hypnosis. Southeast Hypnosis is proud to be associated with the Master Hypnotist Society and training system with Scott McFall. I am also a school owner that trains in the McFall hypnosis system of success. I was born in Vietnam and am a Texan.

My story is centered around learning how to deal with a world that is opposite of your expectations in your head. I just have a tremendous amount of stress, self-doubt, sabotaging, manipulative behaviors, and victim communication stands that affected my physical and emotional well-being. It’s about finding that safe and secure feeling inside as I learn how to navigate life based on my terms.

The learning moment for you is, “Courage is the wiliness to be afraid and act anyway. So, on the aches of our sadness is built the foundation for the pinnacle of our joy.” Stewart Emery

In my first training with Scott a few years ago, there were so many anxieties about paying for his fee to where my heart was practically jumping out of my chest and all I can hear were my internal and negative comments to myself. The easy-going and fun-loving Rose was out the door and just took herself to the pasture inside my head.

We have many anchors to where our body stores every moment in our lives and unfortunately, your body remembers every fear even better.

When the moment of paying Scott's fee happens again, I was all excited because I had a million-dollar training with him to where I am going to be the female version of Tony Robbins. I search my backpack for my wallet. I could not find it. I searched everywhere inside my backpack. I went home and went to the office. I had the same fears from the last training. I decided to do something different that I had just learned in training with Scott McFall.

Instead, Scott taught me an NLP technique referred to as prescribing the symptoms. Simply put, this is where I imagine the whole fear of the beginning, middle, and end of it. I imagine what is the worst thing that could happen if I did really lose my wallet. I stay a feeling of anxiety and overwhelm. I did not push it away or deny it like in the last training. Just stay in the emotion. By staying in the emotion, I was able to solve my problem. My wallet was in my backpack all along!

I change my mood and get into the state of mind that is more useful, which is calm and logical, to authentically connect with people. I am independent and keep that loving spirit about me and am connected to all the people I care about. I solve my own problems without getting into that mother/daughter track with women to either please them by lying or just playing the victim card.

I am okay with all aspects of myself and the mischievous woman that likes to have fun and loves playing with people. These skills are special when you use them with a focus on outcomes and intentions. I shine and let others shine in the spotlight. I have more to gain and prosper in rehearsing a new strategy.

I let go of my mother/daughter's track and be easier to go inside of me when practicing the trial and error of making mistakes in life. I am okay and own myself because I was conditioned to the anxiety response. I am going to rehearse a new strategy that is more useful to what I want and need in my life.

The message I give to you is best summed up in a lovely poem written by Virginia Satir in her book, The New People Making by Virginia Satir:

If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turned out to be unfitting, I can discard that which I feel is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded -

I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do.

I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive,

and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me -

I own me, and therefore I can engineer me -

I am me & I AM OKAY

references:  https://hypnosisconnection.com/hypnosis-training-1 


Virginia Satir in her book, The New People Making by Virginia Satir


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