Welcome to the wonderful world of hypnosis.  Lose weight painlessly and without a diet using hypnosis.  Hypnosis is the best way to lose weight.  How to lose fat with hypnosis.  Quit smoking for good this time with hypnosis.  Stress and Pain Relief. 

When learning hypnosis, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  Your mind and body are connected as one force that is the seat of your emotions and imaginations.    Your mind/body is also referred to as your subconscious.  Your subconscious store everything you have ever seen, heard, smell, tasted, felt, or experienced. 

The subconscious mind control and regulates the involuntary functions of the body, such as breathing, circulations, digestion, and elimination.  This is where the part of your mind you are generally unaware of and is where you get your source of energy to implement your decisions and carry out the plan of your goals. Your subconscious mind is the driving force where you do what your subconscious beliefs and was designed to be your servant and to fulfill your orders.  We hope that this Hypnosis FAQ will help you make a single-minded decision to take action to fix your issues once and for all!

How does hypnosis work? How Hypnosis Works Learning self-hypnosis is easy as 1-2-3.  You must have a great imagination and relax so you can let the relaxed mood happen.  Being relaxed and seeing how all your muscles have that sleepy time-like feeling is an easy way to get into that space of cooperation to follow directions and concentrate.    Here’s another requirement, you must agree to your own suggestions toward being a goal-getter. 

How does hypnosis feel like? Hypnosis is the moment before you fall asleep.  Hypnosis is about being relaxed and letting all the tension melt away.  Imagine sitting comfortably on a chair and imagine there is 10 steps and as you imagine walking down to a total and complete relaxation.  As you walk down each step, imagine the numbers drift away into the mist or cloud in front.  Imagine going deeper and feeling more relaxed with each number going down.  As you take a deep breath in, go ahead slowly let it out while you imagine your entire body feeling relaxed and loose as a rag doll. 

Who cannot be hypnotized? Can You Really Be Hypnotized?  Everybody can be hypnotized.  It is fun and relaxing.  Those who cannot be hypnotized are people with an IQ less than 70.  If you can follow the directions that allow you to get to your destination, you can be hypnotized.  You cannot be hypnotized if you are drunk.  If you had too much to drink, you cannot focus long enough to follow directions.  The last personality trait hypnotist looks for is those who don’t want to, or you cannot make me.  With the expectations of these 3 traits hypnotists look for, everybody can be hypnotized. 

Is hypnosis an “altered state of consciousness (ASC)?”  As defined by ncbi.mlm.nih.gov, “an altered state of consciousness is a change in one’s normal mental state because of trauma or accident induced through meditation, drugs and sometimes foods.   ASC can be good, neutral, or bad experiences.  Bad altered states can be described simply as delirium or when someone takes psychoactive drugs such as hallucinogens, cannabis, or peyote. 

When you experience deep hypnosis at our clinic at Southeast Hypnosis, you reached that relaxed and serene state of mind naturally and without a pill.  The hypnosis experience is where you are more relaxed and you are aware of everything around you.  You are more focused and aware of your environment.  Hypnosis cannot change anything about you and cannot make you do anything unethical that is against your morals.   Hypnosis is a way for you to lose weight fast naturally without diet pills.  


Does Hypnosis Really Work?  Is Hypnosis Real?

When we at Southeast Hypnosis see you at your screening, you will get to watch several people on videos who have succeeded using hypnosis as well as reading many stories of successful clients.  check out more of over 100 clients' reviews here: www.southeasthypnosis.com Professional Facility with Professional help with in-depth experience in hypnosis that provides individual sessions for custom programs in our office or at Zoom.


Here are Southeast Hypnosis Success Stories & Client's Reviews: "Came to quit smoking, been a week so far, and I feel great." Michael M, 7-19-2021, Google Five Star Review


 "Southeast Hypnosis is awesome. I have lost 15 pounds and I am learning to make better choices for my health. I would recommend Southeast Hypnosis to my friends and family. Thank you for helping me become more confident and healthy. Brandy, Google Five Star Review


"After experiencing multiple setbacks in my personal life. (Southeast Hypnosis) has been instrumental in getting me back on track. Her methods have helped me with maintaining my self-confidence, drive, and focus. Kevin, Google Five Star Review


What Involved in the Free Hypnotic Screening?  Your FREE hypnosis is where we discuss the problems you wish to change and explain what your responsibilities are will be in the process of positive change.  We answer questions and offer an honest opinion of your ability to be hypnotized.  It takes about 30 minutes and it’s a blast to come to learn a new way toward your positive change. When accepted in Southeast Hypnosis, we do our best to structure your program to fit your budget, lifestyle, and time requirements.  You can call us at 281-996-8000 to schedule your screening or book your free consultation online here:  https://southeasthypnosis.setmore.com


How much does hypnosis cost? Is Hypnosis Covered by health insurance? 

Everyone who comes in for a free screening and consultation to see if hypnosis is right for them is very different.  That’s why we customized what needs to happen at each individual client and that we be discussing over the course of the end of the screening whether you need to be referred to a different profession like a medical doctor.  Hypnosis is only appropriate for certain people in this hypnosis business. 


Some private insurance companies do a cover portion of your hypnotherapy if it is medically necessary.  Since insurance requires a health professional to have at least a master’s degree, hypnosis is a certification, which means a high school education is required.  The term “hypnotherapy” is meant that hypnosis are being treated by a licensed professional. 


What are Southeast Hypnosis COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines?  


The staff here at Southeast Hypnosis would like to share with you how we are addressing this pandemic in our office.  We are following recommended guidelines from the CDC and the health officials to reduce the spread.  We are committed to continuing to provide a safe, quality hypnotic environment as we adapt to the challenges of this public health situation and appreciate your trust and understanding. 


We strictly follow the guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting.  This includes:

1.     Optional Face coverings for all staff and patients at our clinic.

2.     Creating sanitizing hand gel stations in every treatment room and in the waiting area.

3.     Facilitating social distancing within the clinic as best as we can.

4.     Regularly disinfect knobs, counter, chairs, and all spaces where public interaction occurs.

5.     Regular Symptoms list check-in at the front desk 

References: Self-hypnosis and Other Expanding Techniques by Charles Tibbetts


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