NLP The Nature of Change

“As the world changes right now I am reminded that NLP believes "The Nature of The Universe Is Change".  David Bowie "Learn To Face The Strange Changes".  Yet, at this point, if you are aware of the speed of change in the world around us it is simply more than a human being can process without stress. Denial, delusion and creating fake problems to avoid facing the realities becomes common.  The delusional internally checked emotional and information positions get weirder and weirder because of a lack of normal external routine.  Because we aren't interacting with enough other people at work, in social settings, and seeing enough strangers walking through the world- our reality checks are being eroded.  Social media has us in clicks that don't effectively give all the angles on any issue.  Here are 8 steps to help with the fears and biases.
1.  If you work on line or are stuck doing so, work to have a certain number of activities and interactions outside of the house each day.
2.  Spend enough time with people who see many sides of situations so you don' get stuck in a biased position.
3.  Know that fear grows when reality is less perceived because of deluded inner assumptions.  Focus on normalizing your thinking.
4.  Avoid making little issues in family and relationships to distract from the broader world you can't control.
5.  Be honest with yourself about how your expectations are distorted by stress and change them to align with your long term outcomes.
6.  Network with many perspectives outside of the clicks and clubs that agree with your everyday positions and bias.
7.  Reward yourself when you are staying externally aware instead of creating any issues or drama.
8.  Inventory the great things about your life and relationships as often as possible
Be happy, they never see that coming.” Scott McFall Scott McFall


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