Lean N’ Fit Granny

DISCOVER HOW A 62-Year-Old Granny went from Flabby to Lean


My name is Mavis. I am a grandmother and I love doing puzzles, Sudoku, and riding my bike. I was feeling a great deal of fear and stress because of COVID-19. I felt overwhelmed because I couldn’t go out and be a grandmother for my grandchildren. I needed encouragement and help to lose weight. I have tried many diets like intermittent fasting and not eating as much. I have tried many diets on and off in the last year and nothing seemed to be working. I really wanted to fit into my clothes and not see my big stomach sticking out. I am so frustrated about my weight loss failure that I am craving chocolate and ice cream. I eat because of my emotions, and I am embarrassed about my weight. If you can relate to my story and weight loss struggles-—read on….

I'm Loving My Hypnosis Sessions

I’m loving my hypnosis sessions at Southeast Hypnosis. The hypnotic audios make me feel that I can make the changes in my eating and exercise habits to become thin. In my first week, I am not eating as much and healthier. I am riding my bike twice around and twice a day instead of once a day. The self-esteem booster hypnotic audio makes me feel more in control and empowers me to continue to go forward in my weight loss goals and becoming thin and healthier. 😊

My Husband & I are losing weight together

Thanks to Southeast Hypnosis Center! I have lost 18 pounds and went from a size 16 to 12 in 3 ½ months. I used to hate walking, and now I am walking 3 miles most mornings. I enjoy walking now, and I am eating better and less. I feel great! The hypnotic audios help me to sleep better at night. My husband lost 25 pounds, and he is feeling much better too. We are still going to get help from the hypnosis audios. My message to you is to keep going and take it one day at a time.

If you are like me and want to end the worry, stress, and discomfort being overweight is causing you, call Southeast Hypnosis today and tell them Mavis sent you.

Southeast Hypnosis is the solution. People are losing weight, quitting smoking, and relieving stress with our hypnosis programs. Southeast Hypnosis will give you an honest and in-depth explanation of how hypnosis works and evaluate your personal situation.

To see if we can accept you as a client, CALL for your FREE Hypnotic Screening at, 281-996-8000 or book your free online consultation here: https://southeasthypnosis.setmore.com



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