Get Fit! Learn the Secret to Being Thin

Have you ever watched my 600 pounds life? It is bothersome that there is a reality tv show, my 600-pound life, that features desperate patients of a local Houston weight loss center. The reality of the pain of being morbidly obese and the child-like tantrums when the doctor held his patients accountable to lose a few extra pounds on their own before weight loss surgery. Some patients listened and followed directions well when they lost the amount of weight the doctor wanted. Some did not want the surgery afterward. They realized they can lose all the other weight on their own. Others went into the depths of manipulation and weight loss self-sabotage behaviors that kept them stuck in their fat suit. We need to focus on the reality of the situation, you need to lose weight and lose it safely without diets. You need a commonsense approach that helps you stay comfortably fit and trim for the rest of your life – and never be on a diet again.

Most weight loss failures happen because of past failures. The memories of past diet failures cause irrational fear that you are not thin. Diets are a mistake. Weight loss failures are a self-fulling prophecy, where you are a slave to your past failures, emotions, & situations. It is hard to follow that restrictive diet plan, your stomach growls. You are hungry. You are on a diet because you do not like the way you look, you see the rolls of fat in the mirror. It is hard to move. You get out of breath easily, even walking a short distance is hard. You struggle to put your socks on and bump into nearly everything in your house. You pay an exorbitant amount of money online to go grocery shopping and pay that high price tag for your clothes online just so you are not seen in public. And on top of this getting into a car or airplane seat is difficult on its own. You are literally trapped in your home and feeling trapped in your body. It is unbelievably painful, and it is no wonder why weight loss surgery patients look for weight loss surgery as their last resort.

The average cost of gastric bypass surgery ranges from $20,000 to $25,000 without insurance. This average cost of surgery does not include extra doctor’s visits. Patients who resort to weight loss surgery must consider both short-term and long-term medical consequences. Here are some medical consequences you must have taken into consideration: there is an increased risk of having gallstones (which is due to rapid or substantial weight loss & may have accompanying nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pains), internal or profuse bleeding in the surgical wound, perforation of the stomach or intestines, spleen or other organ injuries, hernia, stricture &/or skin separation. Often, they must monitor the exact number of calories they eat a day. If they eat more than the required amount- they will experience dumping syndrome. Dumping Syndrome is, simply put forcing the food to escape extreme and painful diarrhea or vomiting.

And to qualify for weight loss surgery, you need to have a BMI over 40, which means depending on your height, you weigh at least 200 pounds or more. And most often you must weigh less than 450 pounds, because hospital radiology equipment cannot handle people who weigh over 450 pounds.

An overweight person on average eats between 3,000 to 7,000 calories a day.  Their bodies consider an overstuffed feeling to being sadly normal. When you emotionally overeat and you eat out of comfort, it makes following a diet hard: it feels like you are losing a part of yourself, that you would not be okay without it. In general, the question is really “would I be okay when I make a positive change… would I do it?” They are required to do a prep-diet before weight loss surgery. A prep diet is where their daily intake needs to be approximately 1,200 calories. See the big picture of this: it is a big drop of calories & the weight loss surgery patient will be eating less & their body will be hungry. And their response to this big change is being very moody, angry, and experiencing an emotional roller-coaster. Right after weight loss surgery, they are required to follow a very strict diet. Each surgeon has their own guidelines. Here is an example: one week of only clear liquids, two weeks of full liquids (such as pudding and Jell-O), at least two weeks of pureed foods (which sometimes can be up to over a month after surgery).

Your mind and your body are always learning and being conditioned towards a response. We have good and bad habits which are conscious or unconscious. Often weight loss surgery fails, and they gain the weight back or more, this condition your body to believe that weight loss is hard, and it is not worth doing and you cannot keep it off. A belief system is true and true to you. Your belief tells you what is possible and what is not – it's your true reality. The danger of setting this negative belief system with most weight loss patients is allowing extreme pressure & measures to lose weight: it makes them feel the agony of defeat- everything is a big deal, and everything is their fault. They are experiencing a stress level of a 7 or a 9 out of 10. Their body goes into flight, fight, freeze or survival mode. Your mind overthinks and debates- you are chasing the mistakes of what you fear the most. Your mind chases for an easy way out so you emotionally overeat and cannot see the solution to your problem. You have a burning desire to lose weight, but your behavior is what is making you feel bad. Your self-sabotage behaviors control you- and allows you to nit-pick, get into self-pity mode and make things a big deal- the feeling like the agony of defeat. You are a person deserving of weight loss success- but your behaviors are different from you as a person.  You are a good person deserving of success. People like you as a person. You deserve to lose weight and be thin. What you do when you are in that mode of fear and failure is different than who you are as a person. Control your behaviors by getting into a good mood where learning is easy, and you are more externally aware. Remember a time when you are in a mood where you did things well by yourself or with others? Can you recognize and design that map of this mood when you are easygoing when you try new things to where you are a good example of someone who gets things done?

Hypnosis is where you fixate on your goal in a let loose and calm manner. Hypnosis helps you move away from the fight and flight response. Fight or flight keeps you in over-analysis, feeling threatened, shame, and over-processing the situation. Hypnosis moves you away from this. “Mediation is the weight room for the mind”- Ed Latimore. Have you had your 15 minutes of silence or self-hypnosis today? Take a deep breath in from the diaphragm and exhale while counting backward from 10 or even 100 this helps you relax your mind and body so that your unconscious mind will work clearly and logically to come up with a solution that gets you to smile while you do it. Meditation is about relaxing your mind and body while you imagine going down 10 steps to a total or complete relaxation. Imagine going down an elevator with 10 levels and as you inhale and exhale, imagine walking down each step, going deeper, more relaxed to that feeling of feeling comfortable and safe inside yourself. Hypnosis allows your nervous system to surrender to being calm and relaxed and being patient and kind to get things done. So then, Hypnosis is about fixation, relaxation, and repetition. Hypnosis helps you get out of the tense state of mind. Hypnosis first breaks the habit, then trains your to shift out of this unwanted mind by relaxing much better and in different ways. Losing weight is easy when that happens.

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